how to tie pant 3

Oh what a glorious day it is, my friends. Yes, it is launch day. But this isn’t any old launch; this launch has been years in the making. I originally designed and pattern drafted pant 3 about 2 years ago, but it was only this fall when I started to feel truly skilled enough to bring the full vision to life. I also fine tuned sizing for pant 3 to a degree that we haven’t done before. We completed fittings on many different bodies ranging from 5’1” - 5’11.” We tried them on boy bodies and girl bodies. We tried them on curvy bodies and we tried them on straight bodies. I am just so totally in love and so totally proud to reveal these pants to the world. Pant 3 is here in all of it’s shapeshifting glory. Below are two videos that show you two ways you can tie pant 3. I’ve also included step by step instructions below.

How to tie pant 3 envelope style

The key to tying this pant is to get the general shape you’re going for, tie the waist tie, and then make adjustments.

  1. Hold the pants so that they’re resting at your high waist, generally right above your belly button and at the bottom of the ribs.

  2. Use your elbow or any other appendage to hold the pants in the center while gathering one side seam flat. Fold this side seam in towards the center of the pants.

  3. Repeat for the other side.

  4. Tie the waist tie and make adjustments to your folds. Check the back and smooth out gathers there.

  5. Enjoy.

How to tie pant 3 paper bag waist style

The key to tying this pant is to get the general shape you’re going for, tie the waist tie, and then make adjustments.

  1. Hold the pants so that they’re resting at your high waist, generally right above your belly button and at the bottom of the ribs.

  2. Use your elbow or any other appendage to hold the pants in the center while you cinch the back of the pants at both side seams. You’re pushing the fabric towards the back of the pants.

  3. Loosely gather the front of the pant and tie the waist tie.

  4. Make your adjustments to the gathers so everything looks even across the front and back.

  5. Enjoy.